Saturday, August 1, 2015

Afterlife and Occam's razor

Occam's razor, the principal that states lesser the number of assumptions more truer the theory.
All principals of afterlife have assumptions that cannot be proved. Some are the world is not balance if all good deeds doesn't result in good and bad deeds results in bad. Without perpetual life this is impossible. Sometimes with a long life that tonedown activities it may be achieved to some extent, but in actual life, we see that life is cut short without results, especially of bad deeds. We say he was a bad person but, had a peaceful death or he was such a good person but had a short life. These phenomena cannot be explained without an afterlife. Then religion will come to play. The religions will be multiple that gives different reasons to explain how afterlife happens, how to avoid it (Buddhism), how to achieve a higher status in afterlife (with help of god) etc.
But do we need all this? Simply why can't you say no afterlife. The life is a gamble, mostly good deeds results in good, but not always and it is the same with bad. This have the least assumptions.